I previously read and was a huge fan of Estep's YA - Mythos Academy Series. So I went into this book with high hopes and high expectations... and I must say I was not let down. The lead of the story, young heroine Lila Merriweather, is snarky, kick-butt, and fun. She's not all rough edges though. Lila was orphaned after her mother was murdered and she has a definite sentiment to her that makes her hardshell all the more appealing. Devon of course is my new book crush. He's so good, yet strong. There's no love triangle, he's not a jerk, he is just... amazing! I absolutely loved the attraction between him and Lila. I can't wait to see where their relationship goes from here! The other characters in the book were just as enjoyable and I loved how distinct each of their personalities were regardless of how few scenes they appeared. As if that wasn't enough to make me love it, there's also the amazing world creation in this book. I love the concept of magical families, feuds, and monsters lurking everywhere! There are so many unique and intricate details throughout the story that just amaze me. Something that seems to be a natural talent for Ms. Jennifer Estep. So far every book I have read of hers has been fabulous! She has become one of those authors that when I see her name on a book, I'm going to get it! This was such a quick, fun, action-packed read, and I am really looking forward to getting my hands on the next book.
* I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a honest review *