My Review:
The Undoing by
Shelly Laurenston
The Undoing is Jace's story. Yay! I knew I was going to love getting to know Jace's story better after she would hide away with her books in The Unleashing and claimed an adorable little foster pup. I'm happy to report you get a little more puppy time in this one as well. Once again one of my only complaints is the bombardment of names. Which actually wouldn't be as bad if it didn't swap back and forth between first and last names just like book one. I do think it was a bit better though and didn't involve as much explaining of the mythology so was a bit smoother read. The story still has a lot of Crows and Ravens involvement but it certainly was fun for me to get a much better peek into the lives of the Protectors. What can I say? Their love of books speaks to me directly on a very personal level :-) Jace is such a book nerd and introvert that she fits right in with them! It's actually quite hilarious how well they take to her and understand her. The Crows on the other hand could take some hints about not forcing poor Jace into small talk and other unpleasant social interactions. I think Ski and Jace are just perfect for each other! I'm definitely shipping them. Although the books focus more on a different set of characters in each, I think they will make more sense to be read in order. I am looking forward to the next book in this series and think it will continue to entertain and improve.
Great for fans of paranormal/urban fantasy style romances with some mythology (Norse) and action mixed in.
** I received this book from the publisher for review purposes **