My Review:
This isn't my typical genre, but I am so glad that I decided to read Gilt Hollow. There's lots of mystery and suspense in this book, which was very interesting and kept me guessing, but there's also some romance for readers like me who think romance makes everything a little better 😉. The characters are very intriguing, even the bad ones. You can't help but to ping pong around in your mind who you think the true killer might be. Even some of the seemingly nicer characters come under suspect a few times and really make you think about people's ulterior motives. Ashton was a very captivating main character and really made me care about him and the fact that he was falsely convicted. His and Willow's friendship/romance was very starcrossed lovers meets childhood sweetheart and I absolutely ate it up. I read through this book fairly quick because I just could not get enough. I think you would enjoy this book just as much as I did if you are a fan of YA with friendship, mystery, suspense, and some romance.
** I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. **