If I Live is an exhilarating pageturner and an amazing ending to a great series. I've thoroughly enjoyed each of the books but I have to say that this one is my favorite. It may be because everything is finally coming to a head and we get to see if Casey is going to be pinned with all of these horrible things that she didn't do. Also her and Dylan's romance has become quite clear and I really love that at least something wonderful has come from all of these ugly events that have transpired. I think the way that Casey has become a believer is very realistic and I am glad that she was able to find some peace through her newfound faith in the midst of all the drama. The story was written really well and had me glued to the pages from the very beginning. Of all of the books I've read I think this may rank as my favorite suspense. It has great momentum and I would highly recommend this series to anyone who loves a good clean suspense story. I would definitely recommend starting with book one though!
** I received an advanced digital copy from NetGalley for an honest review. **